Monday, March 28, 2011

Barack Obama Wages War..... to defend Oil For Europe

    Rome, Mar 28, 2011. darrlin bands has received proof that there are many foreign oil companies heavily invested in Libyan oil development.

    These firms are mostly Italian, French, British, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, German and Norwegian with some joint ventures that include American companies too.

    Around 80% of Libyan oil exports go to European Union nations. An additional 13% goes to China and other nations in Asia.

    Only 5% goes to the USA, so naturally the President feels we should spend our money and blood defending oil for France, Germany and Italy.

    The president has decided to go to war to defend this oil, under the pretext of "humanitarian relief."

    We didn't interfere in Rwanda when two million people were murdered. Because Rwanda has no oil. The President is not concerned about genocide in Sudan, Ivory Coast, the Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia or dozens of other African countries where it exists today. Because they have no oil.

    The ironic thing about this is that while President Obama is spending money we don't have to defend the oil Europe needs, he has also outlawed drilling for oil here in the USA.

    We have more oil than Saudi Arabia right here, and the President and his party adamantly refuse to drill it.

    The liberal Democrats feel that it is somehow better for Mother Earth if the oil is drilled "somewhere else" and corporations from other nations reap the profits and create jobs in other countries. They feel we should depend on foreign nations to supply our oil for us.

    Drilling for oil in Alaska or off our shores would create much needed jobs for the USA. But the president would rather create jobs for Europeans, South Americans, Africans and Asians instead.

    President Obama is also risking the lives of our young men and women in the military, which brings to mind one of his own campaign themes in 2008, when he was running for President... "NO BLOOD FOR OIL."

    Of course, according to President Barack Hussein Obama, D-Kenya, this isn't a war at all. It is merely a "Kinetic Military Operation."

    According to the chart at the right, Obama is waging this "Kinetic Military Operation" to defend the investments of:

    Gazprom........(Russia)......dark orange
    Royal Dutch....(Holland).....dark blue
    RWE...............(Germany)...olive green
    Statoil.............(Norway).....light blue
    Total ..............(France)......yellow
    Waha..............(USA).........purpleSource URL:
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