Monday, December 27, 2010

Global Warming Strikes Again!

    NYC Dec 27, 2010.  Thousands of travelers trying to get home after the holiday weekend sat bored and bleary-eyed in airports and shivered aboard stuck buses and subways Monday, stranded by a blizzard that slammed the Northeast with more than two feet of show.

    "People are exhausted. They want to get home," sighed Eric Schorr, marooned at New York's JFK Internationa since Sunday afternoon by the storm, which worked its way up the coast from the Carolinas to Maine with winds up to 80 mph that whirled the snow into deep drifts across streets, railroad tracks and runways.

    Snowfall totals included a foot in Tidewater, Va., and Philadelphia, 29 inches in parts of northern New Jersey, 2 feet north of New York City, and more than 18 inches in Boston.

    "I tried to warn you"
    Famous Nobel Prize winner Al Gore Jr. tells us that this blizzard was caused by global warming.  "These catastrophic climate change events could be totally avoided if you folks had bought my carbon credits," he said.

    Gore pointed out that many of the recent weather calamities were caused by global warming, including:

    2004 - Indonesian tsunami
    2005 - Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans
    2006 - Killer tornadoes across the USA
    2007 - Record drought in the Southeast
    2008 - Cyclones in Asia killed thousands
    2009 - Dust storms in Australia

    "It's all due to carbon emissions in the atmosphere cause by our addiction to fossil fuels."

    The storm closed all three of the New York metropolitan area's airports Sunday and stymied most other means of transportation. Buses sputtered to a halt in snow drifts. Trains stopped in their tracks. Taxi drivers abandoned their cabs in the middle of New York's snow-clogged streets.

    Even the New York City subway system, which are  usually dependable during a snowstorm, broke down in spots, trapping riders for hours.

    President Barack Hussein Obama, D-Kenya, interrupted his Hawaiian vacation to add his support for Gore's Carbon Credit scam.

    "We need to buy more carbon credits to prevent these problems. And I plan to print more money to buy some from Goldman Sachs," he said.Source URL:
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