Wednesday, January 28, 2009


    Here's Pam Anderson at some club recently looking like she's just crawled out of a dumpster after a 48-hour gang bang and meth trip. Bitch looks more beat than Mickey Rourke.

    Pam is 41 and her years of living fast and hard and banging every diseased douchebag this side of the Hollywood sign have definitely caught up with her and her face. Bitch is busted but the sad thing is, she doesn't know it. She's still dressing and posing like it's 1996 and dudes are still putting her in the spank bank. It's tragic, really. When you have no genuine talent, when you have nothing else to offer other than big ass titties and and open legs, when you are known for nothing more than looking hot, starring in a sex video, hooking up with dirtbag after dirtbag, and when your appetite for coke outweighs your appetite for any kind of knowledge or desire to learn an actual skill that might extend your shelf life, is there any other future for you? OF COURSE dear Pammie is clinging on to her sex symbol status tighter than Tom Cruise clings to the belief that we all buy his heterosexual act. I'm not saying you can't be sexy over 40, Halle Berry is a year OLDER than this trick. Hard to believe, isn't it?

    Paris Hilton needs to pay attention to this shit because looking at these pictures of Pam is like a crystal ball into Paris' future (minus the big titties of course)

    I feel sorry for Pamela's 90210 sons Brandon and Dylan. Could you imagine if this used up cum dumpster was your mother? How embarrassing!Source URL:
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