Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Protests return to Iran

    Following uprisings that have toppled governments in Tunisia and Egypt, protests in Algeria. Yemen and Bahrain, protestors are back on the streets of Tehran.

    The protests were met with the usual lack of restraint that is the hallmark of Iranian security forces. One student has been killed (perhaps a second student too).

    Opposition leaders, Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi are believed to be under house arrest while Iranian MPs are reported to be screaming for their execution.

    It remains to be seen whether these protsts can snowball into regime change. It is my earnest hope that it does. However, the Revolutionary Guard here are not going to throw their lot in with the protestors, given their vested interests in the national economy.

    If the protests continue there will be a lot more blood and more than a few new Neda Agha Soltanis created...

    I wonder if Galloway, Milne et al will see the light and support the Iranians on the street this time... or will pigs fly?Source URL: https://extravagancedeplumes.blogspot.com/2011/02/protests-return-to-iran.html
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