Saturday, May 31, 2008

Setting Sun

Friday, May 30, 2008

Have a relaxing weekend.

Etsy Friday: Oh, Leoluca

Deer Beds

    This is a beautiful concept: Katherine Wolkoff followed deer trails in Block Island and photographed deer beds. Apparently, deer press down the vegetation to make a sleeping place where predators won't see them. They never use the same bed twice, but the imprints can last for a few days. Katherine told James Danziger that the experience was incredibly emotional, and she chose to make the prints 40x50 inches, almost life size. Wouldn't these be stunning to see in person?
    (Via the inspiring Year in Pictures)Source URL:
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Sweet Yellow Canary.

Home Inspiration: Typography Decor

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Produce Blogging #128

Automotive Monogamy

Look at all the redheads!

Home Inspiration: Pretty Quilts

Thank you, Swissmiss!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Old Clothes

New Cookie House Tour

Home Inspiration: Antlers

    Ok, ok, I know antlers peaked years ago and are now officially over. Everyone's sick of plastic antlers, cloth antlers, knit antlers, lucite antlers, chandelier antlers, jewelry antlers--too many antlers! But even after the explosion and backlash, I still love honest-to-goodness actual antlers as art. They add a beautiful natural shape to the wall, and you can display them guilt-free, because deer shed their antlers every year.

    What do you think, dear readers? Is this trend timeless or so 2004?
    (Photo via Design Sponge)Source URL:
    Visit extra vagance de plumes for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rusty Chain

My Heart Wanders

    Note to all photographers: The June 15th deadline for Pia's photography book My Heart Wanders is rapidly approaching! Please enter a photo for this amazing project!

    * Each photograph must display a tiny heart shape, and the heart shape must be made or found by you. The heart should not necessarily be the focal point of the photo. The book will showcase artists and creatives from all corners of the globe. *

    For inspiration and rules, go here. To submit, simply email your photo to myheartwanders (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Thank you, and good luck!!!

    (Photo by Jen)Source URL:
    Visit extra vagance de plumes for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Vogue Does Sex & the City.

    I have to admit, I'm embarrassing excited for the Sex & the City movie. Like, crazy excited. It's already sold out for the 30th, so I'm planning to skip out and see it the next afternoon. Look at these incredible shots of Carrie and Big from Vogue's June issue, which envisioned what it would be like for the couple to honeymoon in Manhattan. Carrie's dresses are amazing (oh, that green gown!), and it's so fun to see them galavanting around the city. My only question is, where is everyone else? This city is empty!
    (Via Milk)Source URL:
    Visit extra vagance de plumes for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Home Inspiration: Old Gas Pendant Lamps

Monday, May 26, 2008

Here come the cicadas

What a pretty dress...

The Grammar Police

Home Inspiration: Shower Magnets

Sunday, May 25, 2008

St. Matthew's Back


Friday, May 23, 2008

Putnam County Pickers

    I was sorting through some old files and ran across this photo from the early 1980s. If you lived near Charleston in the 70's and early 80's, you remember the Putnam County Pickers. This was when they were doing a concert with the Symphony and they were in the studio to get a portrait in tuxedos and (as I often did in those days) at the end of the session I told them to stick their fingers in their noses. Funnily enough, people often did it and then were surprised when I actually took the photo. This one took on special meaning because of their group name and they ended up using it on a poster later.Source URL:
    Visit extra vagance de plumes for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Have a cheeky weekend!

Elisabeth's new Swedish magazine....

Deep Thoughts

My Ping in

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